ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified

We are a ISO 9001 : 2015 certified company from TUV Nord. For last audit report contact us

For last audit report contact us

MSME Sustainable (ZED - Gold) Certified

We are a ZED Gold certified company from Government Of India. For last audit report contact us

ISO 14001:2015 Certified

We are a ISO 14001:2015 certified company from RIR Certification. For last audit report contact us

ISO 45001:2018 Certified

We are a ISO 45001:2018 certified company from RIR Certification. For last audit report contact us

EN 14545 : 2008 CE Certified Products

We manufacture nailing plates with CE mark according to EN 14545 : 2008. We have range of CE certified Flat Connectors (Nailing Plates) according to EN 14545 : 2008. We are certified from Element Material Technology Rotterdam B.V with certificate of conformity of the factory production control.

Certifate of EAD 130186-00-0603 Three Dimensional Nailing Plates

We manufacture three dimensional nailing plates with CE mark according to EAD 130186-00-0603. We have range of products according to EAD 130186-00-0603. We are certified from Element Material Technology Rotterdam B.V with certificate of conformity of the factory production control. For more details (ETA report) contact us.

Declaration of Performance - No: DOP-PI-AB-2021-01/V1

Declaration of Performance - No: DOP-PI-AB-2021-01/V1, Three-Dimensional Nailing Plate (Angle Brackets)

Declaration of Performance - No: DOP-PI-PB-2021-01/V1

Declaration of Performance - No: DOP-PI-PB-2021-01/V1, Three-Dimensional Nailing Plate (Column Base)

Declaration of Performance - No: DOP-PI-JH-2021-01/V1

Declaration of Performance - No: DOP-PI-JH-2021-01/V1, Three-Dimensional Nailing Plate (TEE-JOINTS OR JOIST HANGERS)

Declaration of Performance - No: DOP-PI-SC-2021-01/V1

Declaration of Performance - No: DOP-PI-SC-2021-01/V1, Three-Dimensional Nailing Plate (Special Connectors)

Declaration of Performance - No: DOP-PI-FC-2021-01/V1

Declaration of Performance - No: DOP-PI-FC-2021-01/V1, Nailing Plate (Flat Connector)

Declaration of Performance - No: DOP-PI-MB-2021-01/V1

Declaration of Performance - No: DOP-PI-MB-2021-01/V1, Nailing Plate (Mounting Bands)